New Jersey Police Test Prep
Studying for the upcoming Police Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief or Police Chief exam ?
We have study guides available that simplify the process and email support is included for FREE.
Studying for a promotional exam can be stressful, time consuming and overwhelming.
ABN Consulting LLC is here to make the process streamlined, easier and less time consuming.
Our one on one tutoring is sold out through October 26th, but we have ADDED one hour “Power Tutor” sessions that are available on a very limited basis due to our solid client base for 1 on 1 tutoring.
Start out with our user friendly study guides, which include 1001 practice questions and FREE email support.
Email us questions and we will be glad to assist you in improving and enhancing your career.
Your commitment will be temporary but your promotion will be permanent.
We are always here to answer your career questions.
Avoid the crowds and speak to a test prep expert that succeeded on ALL police exams he was administered for ALL ranks that culminated in his promotion to Police CHIEF at age 42.
Happy Studying !!!!!!!